Deceiving domain - is the website promoting a tool that should clean, optimize, and fix errors on machines. Software is described as a solution for repairing Windows registry errors and making the performance faster. There is no real usefulness in having this cleaner on the machine because it gets installed from freeware bundles more often that willingly from the site.

The page itself keeps the user and visitor engaged and redirects, shows additional pop-ups to keep the person on Discounts, bundles, and sales get offered to make people more willing to pay for the software and additional tools. The program shows false results of the scan with pre-determined results to scare PUP victims into installing or purchase another tool that is, unfortunately, also useless and cannot fix anything on the system. 

Program associated TuneUp Pro cleaner
Type of the threat Rogue system tool/ Potentially unwanted application related to adware
Danger The tool claims about nonexistent issues and malware infiltration, so people keep on using the program or installs additional software, pays for the license. Redirects and advertising content related to this shady application exposes the user to possibly malicious online material and can lead to installations of malware
Distribution Freeware installations setups include payload of these unwanted apps as extras that get installed automatically when QUick options get chosen. The official websites promote useless programs violations

2CR-015: The URL promotes tool that is included in the database of AV tools

The URL promotes tool that is included in the database of AV tools

2CR-013: The page shows additional pop-ups, deals to trick users into buying the software

The page shows additional pop-ups, deals to trick users into buying the software