Deceiving domain - is the misleading site that shows pop-ups and notifications to trick people into subscribing to its content. This is the domain that is identical to many others that appear on screens due to adware-type infections that run in the background. The site itself is not displaying anything besides the pop-up that encourages users to either enable notifications, content, or subscribe to more messages from the page. achieves the goal by claiming that the pop-up is a human verification, age verification form, or another type of agreement. People may not even notice when they interact with the site and allow the additional notifications automatically. There is no other purpose for such sites besides creating redirects and deceiving people to get views, page visits, and generate revenue. This is a tool used by other advertisers to generate revenue.
The URL | |
Malware type | Adware or push notifications virus |
Distribution | Freeware installations lead to these infections because users skip through steps and make the wrong choice by allowing all the pre-packed applications to get downloaded on the machine. Other deceptive domains also trigger automatic downloads of PUPs and cyber infections based on web browsers |
Damage | PUPs interfere with browsing online activities and can track data related to preferences, history, and most viewed pages. This so-called ad-tracking technique can lead to privacy issues | violations
2CR-015: The site is included on the database of AV tools
2CR-001: The website shows pop-ups and content on the page to get users attention and cause additional pop-ups