Virus Activity News
Bad Rabbit virus debuts during third major global cyber attack of 2017
Bad Rabbit ransomware outbreak hits Eastern European countries first, starts spreading further.
Security October 25, 2017
The five most significant personal data leaks of 2017
Data leaks became a commonplace in 2017.
Personal data leaks have become a major problem ion 2017.More
Security October 20, 2017
Europol warns about ransomware epidemic: people, businesses, hospitals, and cities are in danger
Ransomware is the biggest cyber threat of 2017.
No one can forget WannaCry and NotPetya attacks which occurred almost half a year ago.More
Installed CCleaner v5.33 version on your PC? You might be infected!
Cyber criminals injected malicious code to CCleaner v5.33: 2.27 million users might be infected.
Locky, BTCWare and CryptoMix viruses continue bombarding users
No time to lose vigilance.
Perhaps there isn‘t a day which passes without hackers releasing new ransomware.More
Find top cyber security tips on ReviewedByPro site - a new page about cyber security.
In this day and age, cyber security is one of the areas a person shouldn’t neglect.More
Security September 14, 2017
Lukitus, the latest Locky variant, is being pushed via massive malspam campaign
The distribution of Lukitus virus accelerates: criminals sent over 23 million malicious emails in less than 24 hours.
Security September 8, 2017
Cesar ransomware – new creation of Dharma virus
Dharma ransomware has been updated.
Security experts discovered that Dharma ransomware family increased.More
It is That Time of the Year! Facebook Message Virus Starts Terrorizing Users Again
Facebook Message Virus Gets Updated.
If you have never heard of Facebook message or video virus, then, it is high time you get acquainted with it.More
Global Malware Trends Q2 2017: ransomware, mobile malware, and banking Trojans
Ransomware takes the top position in the most prevalent malware list
2017 is certainly a successful year for cyber criminals.More
Security August 18, 2017
Developers of Locky present the update – Diablo6 ransomware virus
Diablo6 ransomware continues what Locky has started in 2016.
The latest version of Cerber virus steals browser passwords, targets Bitcoin wallets for theft
Cerber ransomware is at full strength - steals passwords and Bitcoins.
Security August 4, 2017
The activity of Globe Imposter is growing rapidly
Globe Imposter ransomware actively attacks computers in the United States and Europe.
News August 4, 2017
Behind the scenes: what do 2017 Annual visitor survey ads suggest?
2017 Annual visitor survey: fake or genuine?
Despite how often you browse the Web or what websites you visit, it would not be a mistake to say that at least once you were redirected to a web page which displayed Browser opinion survey message.More
Spam July 28, 2017
CryptoMix virus’ authors release three new versions – Zayka, Noob, and CK ransomware
Three new CryptoMix ransomware variants released.
CryptoMix is a ransomware that was first spotted in spring 2016.More
Security July 21, 2017