Virus Activity News


Nemucod-AES and CryptoMix get revived again to continue their cyber terror

Evolution of older crypto-malware. Upgrading old threats from the very root is becoming a common practice among cyber criminals.More
Malware News   July 14, 2017

Everything you need to know about suspicious Stack Player ads

Installation of Stack Player might be the reason of increased amount of aggressive online ads. More
Security   July 5, 2017

Petya virus levels up: new and very malicious ransomware versions emerge

Petya ransomware developers have once again caught the cyber community by surprise after a new and improved version of the virus started spreading havoc across the computers. More
Security   June 30, 2017

Tips on how to identify and remove Chromium virus

Fake and real Chromium browser: the difference between them. More
Security   June 23, 2017

March marks the highest cyber threat activity of the year

Almost 4 million cyber attacks were detected during the first quarter of 2017.More
News Security   June 13, 2017

More WannaCry victims expected as WannaCry 3.0 and WannaLocker emerge

Cyber security experts advise users to arm their computers with powerful anti-malware programs and start creating data backups in case they haven’t done it yet.More
Security   June 9, 2017

EternalRocks worms changes its strategy after getting too much attention from the media

Right after the WannaCry campaign was launched, the worm called EternalRocks was detected in the cyber space.More
Malware News   May 26, 2017

WannaCry ransomware launches massive worldwide attacks

The past couple of days were eventful and terrifying in the online community.More
Security   May 16, 2017

No slowdown in virus activity as spring 2017 draws to a close redirect virus definitely makes it to the top 5 most aggressive browser hijackers list.More
Security   May 8, 2017

Tech support scam tries to convince users that they are infected with Zeus virus

Warning! You have a ZEUS virus! is just a fake notification trying to mislead you into thinking that there is a dangerous malware hiding in your PC system.More
Security   April 21, 2017

New facts regarding Spora ransomware

Spora virus was noticed for the first time in a beginning of 2017.More
Malware   April 7, 2017

Stay away from malicious Word document capable of infecting both, Windows and Mac, systems

Researchers have just spotted a malicious Word document that spreads a new cross-platform malware.More
Security   March 29, 2017

Shocking: the most of PC users are still not aware of online protection methods

This week, tech giant Mozilla revealed the results of its poll involving the answers of more than 30,000 Internet users from Germany, France, the UK, Australia, Canada, the US and other world's countries.More
News   March 17, 2017

The new variant of Cerber ransomware doesn’t even bother changing the original file name

Cerber ransomware emerged with a new feature again – in March of 2017, malware analysts spotted a brand new Cerber variant that doesn’t change the original filename of encrypted file.More
Security   March 11, 2017

The most dangerous browser hijackers of February

It seems that during the last couple of months the computer security community has started forgetting about browser hijackers, adware and similar PUPs.More
Malware   March 3, 2017